If you are looking for the ultimate last-minute Valentine’s Day gift guide, your hopes and prayers have been answered.
Valentine’s Day is the perfect time of year to spoil your loved one or yourself with some quality cannabis, especially as it is a lot more useful than regular roses, chocolate truffles, or a cringe-worthy card and a teddy bear. 253 has crafted a killer valentines day gift guide that will knock your partners socks off! Although this day of love hits tomorrow, there is still plenty of time to stop at your nearest pot shop (hopefully 253 Farmacy) and create the greatest Valentines Day gift for your stoner sweetheart. Just don’t forget to say High Love You!

1. Heart-Shaped Box of Herb
Purchase a small or large chocolate box from a store selling heart shaped boxes for the holiday. Eat some of the chocolate within the box and fill the rest of the slots with your stoner’s product of choice. Flower is perfect for the empty slots, but you could also add in some edible chocolate/gummies or perhaps some wax & shatter!

2. A Bouquet of Joints
Yes, I am serious. Who needs or wants a bouquet of roses or flowers that will just wilt up and die in the next few days? What about a bouquet of flower that is rolled and ready to be smoked with your loved one? Now that is more like it! Roll them up yourself or purchase them ready to go – its flower that won’t be wasted! If you are looking to go over the top, try rolling a tulip joint or add a heart shape filter.
3. Something for that sensual side
We are lucky to offer some amazing cannabis products in-store that truly help with people looking for a little pep in their step when they enter the bedroom. If your looking to enhance your intimacy for Valentine’s Day, Purient is a cannabis infused pre-foreplay lubricant made from an all-natural coconut oil base. Whether your looking to treat yourself or you and your lover, this is a great option!

4. Bake it with love
Making edibles with love is a perfect way to show your significant other your appreciation! Stoners love food, and this is the perfect way to a stoners heart! Purchase some edibles and bake with them, or make your own. Either way, it’s sure to be a great gift for your special Valentine. Here is a thought, melt down some cannabis chocolate and dip some strawberries into them for the perfect edible snack!
5. Cannabis Massages
Giving or getting a massage is a thoughtful and intimate gift to give this love season. Luckily for us, we have a really great cannabis infused body balm that smells amazing, and is perfect for giving the best body massage that one could ask for. Take a small amount into the hands, and rub/massage your stoner bae. Massages are a great way to show your loved one that you care and are grateful for them.
For more ideas, visit 253 Farmacy and check out our Valentine’s Day themed accessories!
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day – we are OPEN regular hours from 9am-8pm!
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